A decade of Honey Badgerin'

Some thoughts from each of us about the past ten years of playing music together:

Erin: Ten whole years ago, Michael asked me to play some fiddle with him at a local folk competition. I was really nervous for a bunch of reasons - I wasn’t actually very good at the violin, I definitely couldn’t “fiddle”, I had never been part of a band of any sort (unless you count the time I played bells in my middle school marching band), and I was still figuring out this tall guy with the curly hair. We practiced in each other’s college apartments, trading ideas and trying new things, basking in the electrifying energy that surrounds a brand new artistic partnership.

Michael: When I first asked Erin to play some violin alongside me for the Delaware Friends of Folk's "Folk Hero" competition in July 2011, it took some convincing. She had never done that type of gig and I had no idea how to figure out what she should play alongside some of my older Battleshy Youths songs and some classic cover tunes. I wasn't sure where we would go musically, and I certainly never suspected that we would somehow be supporting ourselves with our music ten years later.

Erin: At that very first show, someone asked us if we were married. At that point we weren’t even really dating - we were just orbiting each other, trying to see how we fit together, wary of being the first to admit that this felt like Something Big. We didn’t know quite what we were doing or where we wanted it to go, but other people could see it. And that’s always been the case throughout these ten years; whenever we feel like it’s just not working, someone comes along to tell us that is really, really is.

Michael: Over the past decade, we have both grown tremendously in our music, our personalities, our beliefs, and our love. Life is not easy. They don't tell you that enough. This life is great; this life is hard. Erin has learned guitar and ukulele and songwriting and I am constantly amazed by how she is willing to try new instruments and techniques and ideas. She has taught me about music theory and vocal technique and how she is the most patient person in the world while dealing with my antics and distractions.

Erin: Rehearsal (and life) would be so boring without Michael’s antics. :) We have both learned so much from each other. Sometimes the learning is painful, but it’s always worth it. One of the best things that Michael has taught me is that I can just… do things. I can just start writing songs. They can suck. I can just buy an instrument and learn it. I can just decide to be in a band and release DIY albums and play a DIY tour and do whatever the heck my heart yearns for. (Probably should give my parents some credit for that mindset as well!) This is absolutely my dream job, one I didn’t even know existed when I was trying to figure out what I wanted to be when I grew up. I am endlessly thankful that it somehow fell into my lap and that I have a partner that is always willing to take a leap with me.

Michael: We've performed in nineteen states and have driven thousands of miles for hundreds of gigs. Performing for friends and fans and family is the best experience. Seeing the world together and pursuing all of our hopes and our dreams makes all of the late nights and hard work worth it.

It's been the adventure of a lifetime and I can't wait to see where our career goes in the next decade. Making music with my partner in life has been the most challenging, rewarding, (at times) difficult, and fulfilling experience I couldn't have imagined. She makes everything happen. 🍯🦡

Erin: Well shit, now I’m crying. I’ve now spent about a third of my life as half of The Honey Badgers, and it feels like a part of my soul at this point. How weird, when I really thought we were just picking a silly name to play one fun night of music. <3

And now for some Q&A:

Michael: Did you at any time consider not playing that first gig with me?

Erin: Oh, I was always gonna play it. Unquenchable desire to perform + cute boy to rehearse with > fear of sucking at the violin

Michael: What is the most enjoyable part about sending out booking emails?

Erin: Lol. It is 90% not enjoyable. But the 10% is the moment where I think about getting a “yes” response and how amazing it would be to play at that venue, in that town, in front of those people. I get super excited about all the possibility and then I hit send and then I try to not to think about it any more. 😬

Michael: Do you think a cat would make a good tour companion?

Erin: Omg I would die if we could tour with a cat. But no, I don’t think a cat would be a good tour companion. Remember when we were sleeping in a stiflingly hot van in the middle of August? Okay, now put a litterbox in that scenario. No thanks.

Michael: What instrument/tuning do you find most satisfying to play on your own time (not for gigs or recording?)

Erin: Piano!! Definitely. It’s so beautiful. And can make so many sounds. And I’ll never play it for my job, so it is pure pleasure.


Erin: What kind of music dreams/goals did you have growing up?

Michael: I once thought in elementary school that I could get a college scholarship for playing tuba, but at that point the tuba was bigger than I was, so I kept playing trumpet instead. I always wanted to tour and meet people in cool places in cool cities. We've done that. Now my goal is just to make songs and recordings and music that I can be proud of.

Erin: What do you hope/want for the next ten years of Honey Badgerin'?

Michael: A new tour vehicle, performing in new cities, and collaborating with other songwriter friends.

Erin: Would you rather... Play a show where the only audience member is the bartender -or- play an outdoor show where all our gear gets poured on three songs into the set?

Michael: Having lived both of these experiences (multiple times), the bartender is always my choice.

Erin: Do you ever get sick of all my violin solos being a variation of the violin part in "Cowboy Take Me Away"?

Michael: Never. It's the best solo in the history of cowboy songs.

Erin: Where do the armadillos go?

Michael: No one knows ;)


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